Publication writing

Publication writing

Looking to publish your work?

Are you not a native English speaker?

Cannot you express the scientific merit of your work in appropriate words?

Are you too busy to pen down your research?

We are here to help you with a team of experts with doctoral degrees and post-doctoral experience from different domains to cater to your need. We can help you design the framework, formulate the write-up, write the critical parts of your paper, and make it ready for publication. Moreover, we can suggest an appropriate journal for publishing your work. We have already helped in publishing more than 200 medical and basic science research papers in different high-impact journals. 

What we do NOT do

  • We do not fabricate, manipulate your data and do not encourage any sort of unethical publication malpractices
  • We do not ensure your publication in UGC-CARE listed journals or any other journals with financial interests
  • We are not responsible for the rejection of your paper on the basis of its merit. We will definitely re-work if it is rejected on the ground of language, grammar, or writing style-related issues. 

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